Westmore Vermont Democratic Committee
Welcome to the
Westmore Vermont Democratic Committee
Building Change in the NEK Through Community Action
Upcoming Meeting
Our next Westmore Democratic Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday, March 27th at 5:30 PM.
Our meetings are currently being held remotely. For more details, email our Secretary Joanna Burgess at info@westmorevtdeomocrats
VT Digger's 2024 Legislative Guide
Get the the latest updates about the 2024 Legislative Session here!
Meet Your Representative
Rep. David Templeman, Orleans-3 will hold office hours on the 3rd Saturday of every month. His district includes the Townships of Barton (& Orleans), Brownington, and Westmore.
Rep. Templeman's next office hours will be Saturday, March 17th from 9:00-11:00 at the Carriage House in Orleans.
To contact Rep. Templeman please email dtempleman@leg.state.vt.us
Flood Relief Efforts
If you are able to volunteer to help the flood relief efforts led by Northeast Kingdon Organizing or need assistance please visit NEKO Flood Relief.

2024 Community Events:
The next Orleans County Democratic Committee meeting is Wednesday, April 10, 2024. This meeting is open only to registered Democrats in Orleans County. Please email info@westmorevtdemocrats.org for more information.
The Westmore Town Clerk's Office has free solar eclipse glasses for residents while supplies last. Please only take as many as you need.
Westmore Selectboard Meetings are held every other Monday at 6:00 PM in the Westmore Town Clerk's Office. Due to the solar eclipse, the next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 9, 2024.